Maintenance Of Multilayer Flooring
The Maintenance Of Multilayer Flooring is: As with all wooden surfaces, the care will depend largely on the finish used. As we have already pointed out, the two main finishes are varnish and oil.
Others, like wax, have fallen into disuse. What’s more, I don’t know of any multilayer flooring manufacturer that markets their products with this finish. Which does not mean that we cannot wax a multilayer parquet bought raw.
With regard to daily cleaning, there are no big differences. It will be enough to mop or vacuum regularly to remove dirt and debris that can scratch our floor. And from time to time pass a well wrung mop with a specific product.

As for the maintenance itself, there are important differences. With normal use, a varnished multilayer floor can last for many years without the need to renew the finish. When the time comes to do it, the process is relatively complex and laborious. It will be necessary to sand and reapply the varnish (stab).
In the case of oil, the finishes need to be renewed every 6-12 months. Something more if the use is reduced. Although it is also true that for the application of a new layer of oil it is not always necessary to sand.
Repairs And Stabbing
Most of the damage that arises in wooden floors as a result of use and the passage of time, are scratches. These can be repaired through what is popularly called “slashing a parquet.” It basically consists of:
Sanding the surface with sandpaper of different grain. The thickest for greater wear, and the thinnest in the last passes to obtain a smoother surface.
Plaster or fill in case of particularly deep cracks or scratches. These areas should be sanded before applying the finish. If there are particularly deteriorated parts, and more complex repairs or replacement are necessary, we must have a professional.
Apply the varnish or oil as recommended by the manufacturer (number of coats, sanding between coats, drying times…).
Sanding wears down the hardwood surface or layer of our multilayer decking. Approximately 1.5-3mm per stab. Therefore, the number of times we can stab our pallet is limited, normally to 2.
According to this, and taking into account a stab every 10 years, the useful life of a multilayer deck is approximately 30 years.
When the hardwood layer is not thick enough, slashing the multilayer deck will damage it. We would be facing a product that does not allow repairs and that in case of deterioration it would have to be replaced. Something very similar to what happens with laminate floors.
There Are Different Ways Of Laying:
Multilayer laminate flooring . In the vast majority of cases, this type of platform is mechanized to join pieces by means of a click system, similar to that of laminate floors.
Glued . Specific glues are used to glue the laminate flooring to the existing floor.
Each method has its advantages. Here we discuss them so that the owner can choose the installation method that suits him best.